Skagens Museum

Museums and culture in Skagen

Photo: Skagens Kunstmuseer

In Skagen, culture is something special. From the painters who made the town famous in the 1870s to international art and world-class architecture. Here you can indulge in galleries and workshops, among local artists.

Skagens Museum
Photo: Skagens Kunstmuseer

Skagens Museum

Skagen’s Museum is an internationally reputable museum dedicated to the painters of Skagen, the artist colony with painters such as Krøyer, Anna & Michael Ancher, Tuxen and others, who settled in Skag...

Anchers Hus og Saxilds Gaard
Photo: Skagens Kunstmuseer

Anchers Hus og Saxilds Gaard

Anchers Hus on Markvej where the home for two of the most prominent painters in Skagen, Anna and Michael Ancher.

Drachmanns Hus
Photo: Skagens Kunstmuseer

Drachmanns Hus

Drachmanns Hus is a house and studio museum dedicated to the poet and painter Holger Drachmann. 

Kulturhus Kappelborg
Photo: Birgitte Borén

Kulturhus Kappelborg

Culturehouse Kappelborg contains library, cinema, concerthall and music school.


Kystmuseet Skagen (local history museum)

The local history museum, Kystmuseet - Skagen, is a combined open-air museum and exhibition centre containing special collections featuring fishing, maritime rescue service and shipping.

Skagen Bunkermuseum
Photo: Destination NORD

Skagen Bunkermuseum

Skagen Bunker-museum enables you to explore a genuine German war time bunker.


Experiences for kids

Skagens Bamsemuseum (Teddy Bear museum)
Photo: Destination NORD - Frederikshavn

Skagens Bamsemuseum (Teddy Bear museum)

The Teddy Bear Museum in Skagen is the first and only one in all Scandinavia

Farm Fun
Photo: Camilla Nielsen

Farm Fun

At the huge site you´ll find more than 500 animals and birds, many of which can be stroked.


Ørnereservatet - Eagleworld

Get close to the kings of heaven - the eagles as they unfold just above the head of the audience. Get close to the big animals and see how the falconers demonstrate the birds of prey.

Grenen i Skagen
Nature Experiences in Skagen
Bangsbo fort
Experience nature in Frederikshavn
Simon Råling
Art and history in Ålbæk
Things to see in Frederikshavn