Ålbæk - the village of light
Discover the surrounding scenery, and visit the charming fishing harbour and marina.
There are dozens of charming towns and villages in North Jutland, many of them on the coast. They feature many small exquisite cafés, shops and sights to see.
The beaches at the Kattegat Coast are gentle and child-friendly and there is room for fun and play, relaxation and contemplation, and activities both on the ground and in the water. To put it briefly: here is room for the entire family.
Det er altid mange store og små arrangementer langs Kattegatkysten. Nogle du ikke må gå glip af er Bangsbo Fort 4045 i Frederikshavn, Skansefest og Skansespillet i Hals, SUP & Vand Festival, som kommer til flere byer og markedsdage i Hou.
Stay a while on the coast of the Kattegat, and wind down completely. There is a wide choice of accommodation, all you have to do is choose where you want to be.