Choose North Jutland as your destination
Aalborg Convention Bureau makes it easy for you to find the right venues, conference centres, accommodation, activities and experiences in North Jutland.
Photo:Rasmus Hjortshøj
Join forces for meetings, conferences and events in Aalborg and North Jutland
Aalborg Convention Bureau guides you to choose everything from unique venues, memorable experiences and sustainable solutions to ensure a successful event in North Jutland.
Organising meetings, conferences, congresses or events doesn't have to be a feat of strength if you choose Aalborg and North Jutland as your destination. Initially, you only have to make one easy decision: Choose to consult us if you want to gather people, knowledge and inspiration in a safe environment where nothing is left to chance. With 30 years of knowledge and experience, we will help you make all the other good, sustainable and thoughtful decisions as your co-organiser.
Take our advice - free of charge
When you contact us, we make sure you get the right starting point for your planning. We ask the right questions and uncover all your wishes and needs when you are considering locating your meeting or conference in Northern Jutland. We'll then help you identify opportunities, establish contacts and put together a tailor-made meeting or conference programme.
Find a safe route to Aalborg and North Jutland
Nordjylland er det perfekte sted at vælge til møder og konferencer, fordi det er nemt og bekvemt. Både møde- og konferencesteder, hoteller, lufthavnen, seværdigheder og kulturen er vant til at arbejde bæredygtigt og tage godt imod gæster fra nær og fjern. Dermed kan du trygt afholde konferencer, forretningsmøder, symposium eller workshop i smukke og sikre rammer, hvor du finder alt, hvad du skal bruge, inden for kort afstand. Derfor har Aalborg tilnavnet ”20-minutters-byen”.
Let us help you get started
We are a strong team at Aalborg Convention Bureau, ready to provide free assistance and answer any questions you may have about Aalborg and North Jutland as a sustainable meeting and congress destination.