10 scenic hiking routes in Brønderslev
Embark on a journey through the beautiful nature of Brønderslev Municipality and gain insight into the area's wildlife, plant life, local history, culture, and geology.
Experience 10 unique and scenic trails, known as interpretive routes, spread throughout Brønderslev Municipality. The well-marked paths take you on a journey through diverse nature, all while discovering intriguing local stories.

Photo:Brønderslev Erhverv & Turisme
Øster Møllesø
A visit to Øster Møllesø is a lovely nature experience not far from Dronninglund town, the castle and church.
Grindsted Plantation
Grindsted Plantation is a nature area close to Brønderslev with great hiking trails and nature experiences.
Hiking: The Count's Path - 0,9 km
Grevens Sti runs from Kirkevej along Smedebækken to Bøgevangen in Dronninglund.
Hiking: Jyske Ås - 21,6 km
Jyske Ås offers a beautiful landscape taking you through some of the most remarkable nature of northern Denmark.
Hiking along the Ancient Road Hærvejen
The Ancient Road Hærvejen in Northern Jutland was opened in May 2014 and is a joined Nordic project.
The North Sea Trail
The North Sea Trail is a coastline hiking trail through the seven countries surrounding the North Sea; Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, England and Scotland.