Formerly home to entertainers and circus artists: Sømosen offers a unique story, beautiful nature and is definitely worth a visit.
Sømosen is a high moor located between the hills of Jyske Ås (the Jutlandic Ridge) in the southern part of Dronninglund Forest.
Up until the last century, the slopes of the high moor were inhabited by more than 40 families, all of whom were traders, artists, entertainers and musicians. The families were attracted by the desolate area of Sømosen. During winters, they lived in primitive cottages and caves, and during summer, they went round the country to perform.
The parking lot at Sømosen is free to use. You find the parking lot if you turn left on Kirkevej in the southern end of Dronninglund Forest.
Hiking route
The network of hiking routes in Dronninglund Forest consists of 3 different routes, all marked by signs and arrows. One of the routes, "Sømoseruten", starts in Sømosen.
"Sømoseruten" is marked with red and is either 2 km in a shortened version or 3 km in full length.
NB: The routes are not suited for walking-impaired, wheelchair-users or other vehicles.
The story of Sømosen
It might be hard to see unless you know, but around the year 1900, the hills of Sømosen were home to a number of foreign travelers.
At that time, Sømosen was a desolate place where locals came only to gather peat in the springtime. For that reason, the place attracted a group of people who wanted to keep to themselves. During winter, the inhabitants of Sømosen, lived in primitive cottages along the northside of the moor. To this day, you can still see the markings of the small dirt cottages several places. These remains of the past bear witness to a special and exciting period in the history of Sømosen.