Street art "Out in the Open" - Joe Iurato - Gammeltorv
With his artwork ”Good Luck, Kid” Joe Iurato manages to create interaction between the surroundings and art.
Instead of working against the metal vent, it becomes part of the creation and story. It is part of the artist's vision, to bring the art to life, and create an interaction with its surroundings.
”Good Luck, Kid” is based on the curiosity of childhood, and the adventures it may lead to. Joe Iurato takes the reality and combines it with the art, to create a vivid cityscape. The construction and creation of the art was made through stencil work, where it is made with sheets of paper and composed to create debt in the art.
Through site specific work, where the surroundings are being incorporated in the art, lets Joe Iurato create a vivid image, where the motif was his youngest son, Maddox. In Joes own words, the backpack is packed, the cardboard roll ready as binoculars and no one knows where he is going on adventure.