Street art "Out in the Open" - Christian Blanxer - Nyhavnsgade 7
The Spanish artist Christian Blanxer has created a new mural on the rooftop of Friis Shoppingcenter.
In his works, Christian Blanxer blends a person with an architectual cityscape. He has found inspiration for this in old films and art on various records. He feels that it becomes easier to convey something alive by combining two juxtaposed images.
About his work, Christian Blanxer states: “When I travel and explore different cities, sometimes the people mimic the architecture of the city. Somehow, the people are mirrored by their environment, or perhaps their environment is mirrored by them. There’s also some joy to be found in placing people somewhere they’ve never been, but where they fit perfectly”.
The mural is called ´Contraluz´ and can be viewed from Nyhavnsgade.