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Hjorths Badehotel

Hjorths Badehotel and restaurant is located in the centre of the scenic Kandestederne area near Skagen in the middle of glorious tranquillity.

With a stay at HJORTH's seaside hotel in Skagen, North Jutland, you enter a beautiful, distinctive and unique time warp where there are high ceilings, time to (re)discover tranquillity and space for contemplation. All spiced up with birdsong, the rumble of the sea and the smiling service of the staff. The view from HJORTHs Badehotel offers dunes and beautiful nature as far as the eye can see, and the noise of cars is replaced by the silence of nature and the whisper of the wind in the seaweed. At HJORTH's authentic seaside hotel from 1890, the senses and the joy of the same are cultivated. Wi-fi and TV are therefore deliberately left out so as not to disturb the journey towards greater presence. On a windy spring day in April 2012, the author couple Hanna Lundblad and Stig Thorsboe were driving around with a loose idea for a new series. The idea took shape when they later found some old books at a guest house in Skagen describing holiday life in the Kandestederne area in days gone by and the TV series ‘Badehotellet’ was born. The first scripts were then written in a holiday home just opposite Hjorths Badehotel. It was as if the story found its fulfilment amidst the authentic atmosphere of past luxury and simplicity at the charming hotel.

HJORTHs Badehotel has a new team from March 2018, who have restored this fairytale seaside hotel to the heights and virtues of the past - a time for contemplation, conversation, enjoyment of life, craftsmanship and not least reflection. The old virtues can be tasted in the food, which is homemade and based on good craftsmanship, and we take pride in using local seasonal ingredients. Here, the region is expressed as flavours and preferably with a touch of elegant innovation in the face of tradition, as it needs to be reborn with today's greater overview and better sense of interpersonal and sustainable values.

Each room at the hotel has its own individual expression, but all share a historic charm and authenticity where the soul finds a special peace of mind. In the winter of 2022, the hotel was thoroughly renovated, but of course with great care and consideration to preserve the hotel's special character. The new setting now provides the opportunity to create a vibrant hotel open all year round, where the beautiful, historic setting becomes a living voice in the present. Parties, conferences, courses and meetings can be held all year round, where the changing magic of nature, the hotel's picturesque stories and appearance, as well as pampering, help the mind to stop and unpack everyday life.