Biking: The Limfjord Route - 600 km
The Limfjord Land is an extraordinary cycling area. The Limfjord Cycling Route has a length of 600 km, and it goes all the way around the Limfjord.
You can choose to follow the route around the Limfjord from start to finish, but on the way there are plenty of possibilities of planning your own cycling holiday in the Limfjord Land by “taking a shortcut” via the 7 bridges and the 5 Limfjord ferries crisscrossing the Limfjord.
A 600-km long ride
The Limfjord Route is a 600-km long ride through a diverse variety of nature scenes and culture history from Hals in the east and Thyborøn in the west. From the outstretched, flat country on the northern banks - where only a few hill island come into view - to the gently rolling countryside on the southern banks with its wooded hills, stately manor houses and monasteries – not forgetting the many regional museums, which tell the tale of the fjord and its people. The Limfjord is Denmark’s largest fjord - characterised by its many tiny islands, its picturesque midget ferries and its multitude of bridges connection the various provinces.
Plan your own route
On the route, the Limfjord crosses the mouth of Kattegat and Thyborøn Canal in west with ferries. Along the route, you can choose to follow the route around the Limfjord from start to finish, but on the way there are plenty of possibilities of planning your own cycling holiday in the Limfjord Land.
National cycling route no. 12
The Limfjord Cycling Route is Denmark’s national cycling route no. 12. In addition to the national cycling route there are lots of regional and local cycling routes. The route is made in cooperation between the old Nordjylland’s county, Ringkøbing county and Viborg county.