Ålbæk Klitplantage
In 1891, the danish state began to work on Aalbæk Klitplantage (Dune plantation). Today, the area covers 736 ha, and is primarily made up of sparse duneland, heath and slightly hilly dune terrain.
Ålbæk Klitplantage mostly consists of scotch pine but also has some mountain and Austrian pine.
In places with slightly better soil, Sitka spruce, which originates from the West coast of North America, has been planted. In a few places of the dune plantation, birch, and oak grow. The pine trees allow light to get to the grass and moss-covered plantation floor. In the fall months, different mushrooms grow from the plantation floor.
Over the next years, the forest district will plant more leaf-bearing trees on the plantation and older trees will be allowed to decay naturally. In the plantation, you can find areas with stony plains, a landscape uncommon to the area. The plantation also has a rich bird life and hearing the nightjar on a quiet summer evening is a very special experience.