Guide: Outdoor and Travel Blogger Jørne's Best Tips for Outdoor Experiences in Northern Jutland
According to travel blogger Jørne, there's no such thing as not being the outdoor type. Nature experiences are for everyone, and here are his top recommendations for outdoor activities for all ages and skill levels. See you in the great outdoors!

Photo:Destination NORD
Family Trip
Læsø is perfect for families with children. For example, try staying in a shelter near Badesøen in Læsø Klitplantage.. On the mainland, I would recommend the shelterpladsen i Dokkedalsoutheast of Aalborg. The site is located by the Kattegat, , where the one hundred meter long bathing bridge is worth a visit.
True presence is cultivated when you get your hands dirty. Enjoy setting up camp, gathering firewood, and discovering exciting animals. You might not accomplish much—and that's the whole point. Out here, you don't need to achieve anything; you just need to be together. When hunger strikes, keep it simple and grill sausages or corn on the cob over the fire.
A Good Tip
All families can go on outdoor trips. There's no manual for right or wrong, and you don't need to plan a lot before you leave. Perhaps you're worried that the kids will get cold, but once you're out there, you'll quickly solve it by adding a little extra firewood to the fire. And that's how you solve many things on the go.
Outdoor experiences bring you closer together. You get a break from tablets, phones, and the busy everyday life, and you become connected in a completely different way because there aren't distractions.
Two on a trip
When you're heading out with a partner, friend, sibling, or parent, I recommend starting at Råbjerg Mile and taking the approximately 10 km hike to Skagen Klitplantage, where the Hulsigstien Shelter is perfectly situated in open pine forest. I also recommend the coastal hike from Kongerslev to Hou with an overnight stay at Hou Havn Shelters.
Enjoy nature: Immerse yourselves in wildlife, forage for mushrooms (if the season allows), gather items from nature for creative projects, and don't forget to take breaks: Make a cup of coffee or tea on your Trangia set – coffee just tastes better in nature.
A good tip
Don't spend a fortune on equipment. This type of outdoor trip can easily be done in practical everyday clothing, and if you don't have a tent and sleeping bag, they can be found quite affordably.
Outdoor experiences are great for adult relationships because you're present, and there's time for both silence and endless conversations. Out here, you can cultivate togetherness, and conversations become longer and deeper.
Start in Skagen and set your compass towards Dokkedal for a beautiful two-day hike through forests, fields, meadows, and towns. Set up camp in Professorens Plantage on the outskirts of Sæby the first night, and conclude the trip with an overnight stay at the campsite on Møllesøvej the last night. For a day trip without overnighting, Jyske Ås and Dronninglund Storskov are excellent options. Both areas are so vast that you might not encounter anyone else along your way.
For the outdoor enthusiast, building the perfect fire can take hours. You'll need to collect dry wood from the forest floor, carve wood for kindling, and scrape bark from birch trees to get a good fire going. If you're near the sea or a lake, you can try catching your dinner.
A good tip
For some, the idea of being alone for an extended period can be daunting. What will you do alone for so long? Well, you'll think, listen, and feel.