
Make legacy part of your event

Photo: Destination NORD

Here you can see how to combine the professionalism of your conferences and meetings with inspiring and educational social and professional activities including site visits in the local area - what we call 'legacy'.

At Destination NORD, there are great opportunities to combine the professionalism of conferences, events and meetings with inspiring and educational social and professional activities, including site visits in the local area - what we call 'legacy'. We work closely with businesses, attractions and Aalborg University and are happy to help arrange contacts that are relevant to the conference's professional content. 

We also offer tools that we use ourselves in our planning work - and which you can also benefit from including in your work when you are considering organising your event in North Jutland. Legacy benefits the conference organisers, delegates, local hosts, local businesses, educational institutions, municipalities, local communities, destinations and many others.

Legacy Lab-toolkit: Tools for legacy work in Destination NORD

Legacy at the EPE'23 ECCE conference in Aalbor: Watch video from the conference and get inspired

How we work with legacy: Read our Legacy policy

Examples of site visits in North Jutland:

Port of Aalborg - sustainability as a business case 

Harbour Trekking - a cultural story about oil rigs in sustainable transformation 

Råt og Godt - sustainability promotes a circular mindset 

Aalborg Zoo - biodiversity in a modern zoo 

Aalborg Kongres og Kultur Center - sustainable change in community 

Aalborg University - UN's 17 global goals 

Dorf Møllegård - wind and water energy was the driving force back in the day 

Lille Vildmose - Denmark's largest protected land area 

Contact us to learn more about the above or about the many other possibilities.