Photo: Mette Johnsen
Things to do in Aalborg
The fact that Aalborg was placed no. 8 on the New York Times’ list of places in the world that deserved a visit is no coincidence. Aalborg is simply something special. A pocket-sized city with international stature, where attractions and things to do stand in line. You’ll need all your senses here.
Child-friendly attractions
Det er sjovt at være i Aalborg. Så skal man i Zoo, eller I Leos Legeland; og højt til vejrs i Aalborg Klatrepark. En badetur til Vestre Fjordpark skal der også være plads til, og det maritime oplevelsescenter Springeren ligeså.
Things to do in North Jutland
North Jutland means excitement for all ages. Unrivalled scenery, calm, child-friendly beaches, room to breathe and be active, world-class art and architecture, urban tranquility with a twist of city atmosphere, great food and genuine delight.
Besøg de ""syv vidundere"" i Aalborg
Photo: Lasse Bruhn