Ulsted Mill
Ulsted Mill is a Dutch mill, an earth Dutchman, because the mill cap curves around the outside of the base. The mill is fully functional, with a new grinder and sieve, making flour once or twice a year.
The first mention of mills in Ulsted dates back to 1613. Ulsted Mill was previously a stump mill, but was later converted into a Dutch mill. The mill has been in its current location since 1880. The last miller in Ulsted was N.P. Nielsen, who ran the mill commercially until 1953. On the initiative of miller N.P. Nielsen succeeded in preserving Ulsted Mill for a long time, partly because the Ulsted Civic Association took care of the mill, and Ulsted Sparekasse provided financial assistance for its maintenance. Later, the mill came under the North Jutland Historical Museum, and was called N.H.M. In the hurricane of January 2005, the hat blew off the mill, but because it was insured, a new mill hat was fitted, which could now be bent, and a mill guild was formed in Ulsted to help N.H.M. look after the mill and bend the hat so the wings always faced the wind. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough money to maintain the mill properly, so in 2013 the mill body was so bad that the mill cap had to be removed and the body dismantled. So for a couple of years, only the base was left standing and the mill cap was clamped onto four concrete posts, and due to the deterioration, N.H.M. would not have the mill under their wing for long. So in 2017, a local mill guild was formed in Ulsted, which bought the mill from Aalborg Municipality for a penny. With money from the Sparekassen Danmark Ulsted and Hals foundations, as well as SparNord, the Augustinus Foundation, and Aalborg Municipality, the mill guild has reconstructed the mill from 2017 - 2020, when the mill was fully functional again with a new grinder and sieve. With approx. 350 members and 20 company sponsorships, the Mill Guild has great support from the local population. The big celebration in Ulsted is when Mill Day is held every year on the 3rd Sunday in June from 14 to 17. The mill is open on Wednesdays from 18.30 to 21.00, from April to October, and Sundays during the school summer holidays from 12.00 - 15.00.